Olan Suddeth
Dad. Computer geek.Homebrewer. Disney nut.
Would-be crafty guy.

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This morning, I saw a Facebook friend posting about how cool it would be for bearded guys to put lights in their beards. Now, as you may know, I decorate my beard for Christmas every year - as a matter of fact, this is what led to me growing it out longer in the first place, so as to showcase the glitter and/or ornaments. Donna and I have been talking about me getting some lights this year, so this was a timely reminder for me to stop procrastinating.

A little fun beard glitter!
That said, I saw a guy in the comment feed make a statement that made me laugh - he didn't have a beard, he explained. But if he did, he wouldn't hang lights in it, since they wouldn't go with his dress.
The comment reminded me a lot of a guy on reddit last year that went out of his way to try to convince me why I shouldn't decorate my beard with glitter or whatnot. You see, this gentleman explained to me in all seriousness, that beard decoration was a trend that THE GAYS started, and people might get the wrong idea about me if I did this!
So this morning, I felt compelled to reply to the Facebook guy in much the same way that I did the reddit guy last year. I thought that I'd share my thinking here.
Folks, I have been married for twenty-four years, and am the father of NINE children. I am extremely comfortable with my sexuality, and am far beyond the point where I feel the need to prove or defend it; think whatever about me that you choose. As I believe real men should do, I do not apologize for taking enjoyment in activities that appeal to me, as how I choose to wear my beard literally impacts no one but me.
Did gay folks start the beard decoration trend? Honestly, I have no clue. If so? Okay, awesome for them!
Still, I wonder... why exactly should gay guys get to have all of the fun?
I'll tell you this - every year, I decorate my beard on Black Friday, for Christmas events, and on Christmas Day itself. Every year when I'm out in public with it, I get a ton of complements, laughs, and people asking to take their pictures with me. To me, it's a fun way to spread Christmas cheer. If you don't like it? That's your right... and it doesn't hurt my feelings one bit.
If your manhood is so fragile that you feel the need to question that of others to supposedly demonstrate your own? I submit that the real issue is right there in the mirror.
Oh - and if you're interested, this is the ornament set that I bought. The price is great, it comes from a company (Isner Mile) that I've had great success with, and the beard lights in this set have replaceable batteries (they even include spares) - a lot of the competing products are only good till the sealed batteries burn out.
Yes, I know that it's still early, but I hope that everyone reading this has a Merry Christmas (assuming that you celebrate it) and a happy holiday season overall.
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